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What you use to train an NMT system when you don't know what an NMT system is.

Meet MutNMT

If you want to teach or learn about machine translation by doing, this is the place! Manage data and engines, train neural machine translation systems, use, inspect and compare different engines and evaluate them with MutNMT! You can also have your own instance of MutNMT, using the code on Github.

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A MultiTraiNMT outcome

MutNMT has been developed inside the MultiTraiNMT - “Machine Translation training for multilingual citizens” project. It aims to develop, evaluate and disseminate open access materials that will lead to the enhancement of teaching and learning about machine translation.

Beyond MutNMT

Also a book and activities to complete your knowledge and fulfill your curiosity have been produced as part of the MultiTraiNMT project. Don’t miss them!

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